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My Personal Style

I am undoubtedly CASUAL. I love to be comfortable, classic, and I stand the test of time, darn it :)
This personal style should also be reflected in my interior decorating, like the photo above, and how this could happen is outlined in this blog post at Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle. I can tell you truly that I will be taking ideas from these gorgeous examples as I tackle my own home.

I'm realizing as I design my life, and my home, I've been trying to develop a style that is not who I am. In my house it's happened particularly in my master bedroom. YUCK! And it's no wonder the process has been frustrating and unsuccessful. To date, I've tried:

Modern - okay I might be a little tiny bit modern because I love West Elm and CB2, but I never know how to incorporate pieces from these places in with everything else I love.


Honestly I think I've even tried to be a little of all of it. No bueno! It's just not working for me, and I need to go back to what I know best - ME. And stop trying to incorporate everyone else.

Ooh, I am eyeing Preppy though, "classic patterns, bright colors, academic inspired, lifestyle centered" that sounds ALOT like me...
Wow. Can anyone tell that I'm still personally growing? Ha ha.


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