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My Latest Creation

I've finally finished my second upcycled creation! (as scatter-brained as I am I haven't even posted my first one yet). Doesn't it make this plain ol' fruit salad look so much prettier? I'm so excited.

Reminisce back with me (insert dream sequence music and squiggly effects here) to my fabulous finds at Goodwill...
...a staggering $2 afforded me a large dinner plate, and chunky candlestick holder. The red of the candle holder stumped me for awhile -- I didn't know whether to keep the color for a patriotic red-white-and-blue platter, or change it completely.

In the end, I brought out the spray paint and changed it up, so that this cutie could be displayed proudly all year long, and not just over the Fourth of July. I also didn't want the stand to distract from the food, or other objects displayed upon it -- the who's wearing whom question was constantly in the back of my mind as I was thinking about this project.

The biggest thing I learned is that I need ALOT more practice with spray paint. I don't know if I'm too zealous and laying it on too much, too fast or what, but I keep getting this crackling sort of thing happening on my piece. Yuck!  I just read a post on Thrifty Decor Chick that may help me in the future. According to Sarah, my paint or object are either too hot, or I'm not prepping well enough when I get the crackling, and since I spray on my back porch the temperature is most likely my problem -- "hot" is a given here in Central Florida. I don't know how to remedy this issue, but I'll put my thinking cap on.

I'm super happy with this, and if I ever get pictures better than the iPhone quality one above I'll certainly post those with eagerness!!


Aleesha Nash said...

oooooooooooooooh! That is beautiful! It looks really good as a fruit plate too! Looks like it is time to go thrift store shopping in the VERY near future!

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